- is a cause
of respiratory infections in a wide range of mammals, it may cause a severe
pneumonia, which may be fatal.
reports have suggested that this organism may be considered
a zoonosis,
even if it occurs rarely. (
My case
study (24 October 2022) –
Approx 12 weeks ago Caree (30kg) was waiting outside the pen
to see if anything was left in the pen bottles. As she was drinking,
she starting coughing violently. I thought she had aspirated. After talking to
my mentor, she said that was more than likely not the case and to keep an eye
on her.
I did for several days but the coughing was relentless. I
started her on Bisolven which is a Chesty Forte Cough Liquid (the first of many
bottles and tablets). It relieves productive chesty coughs, which can occur due
to a variety of causes, by breaking down and clearing mucus in the chest. (In
the meantime lots of the other others started with the same symptoms) At first
it was easy, Caree would take it in a banana but after a few days her nasal
cavities became swollen, and she could no longer smell. Her chest starting
rattling and she was having difficulty breathing. After consultation with the
vet, it was decided to put her on antibiotics and treat as a secondary
infection of pneumonia. I needed to administer 1.5 tabs (Enrofloxacin) per day
(at $10 per day) but once she started refusing bananas it got tricky. Hours
following her with corn, weetbix, muesli bars and lots of different things to
tempt her. After about 2 weeks her at foot, Zaley, started coughing as well. I tried to keep her
within the confines of the property but she got restless, so I had to let her
go. She had no appetite and became very thin. I would spend hours looking for
her. One time she was at the neighbours and I snuck over to try and get some
meds into her. Eventually managed to coax her and her baby home. After a week I
knew we weren’t getting anywhere with administering the tablets so decided to
do the injectable (Tulathromycin). I was warned I needed someone to help me but
knew Caree would bolt. I was so desperate to get my girl better I managed on my
own even though she took off with needle stuck in her butt (I checked her later
and needle was gone). It took about 4 weeks before she was feeling better (I
still hear her coughing from time to time) She is now the picture of health,
baby in pouch, her at foot healthy again. She follows me everywhere and has
become very attached to me again.
Jade, Jonti,
Mia, Kyah, Cherish, Coco, Bindi, Caree, Maxx and all 6 of my pen kids (Jaffa,
Jedda, Jaycee, Emma, Elliott and Rossie all between 12 – 20kg) got sick to varying
5 of the pen
kids, Cherish and Coco all had an injection of Tulathromycin (Jedda and Jaffa
both had 2 rounds 7 days apart)
When I
realised how contagious this was – whatever it was I decided to hand over my
two 1.5 kg boys to a good carer friend. I could not run the risk of them
getting sick. I also needed all my energy to take care of the sick mob esp
Jedda and Rossie at that stage.
I knew we
were dealing with something more than just of a case of roo flu. I had been
adding extra vitamins and minerals, molasses for energy to their water, bought
some high energy alpaca mix but they just kept getting sick. I wandered for
hours with Bisolven tablets and bananas twice a day (some of the sick ones are wild
babies of Mums I raised, so even though not scared of me I have never touched
When all the
6 pen kids got sick I needed to know what we were dealing with. I did nasal
swabs and had them sent to the Ag Dept for culture. It came back as Bordetella
bronchiseptica. At least I had a name and was able to source correct antibiotics.
(Trimidine) I had 4 swabs done, one came back negative but she had been on
antibiotics so was told that would have interfered with the culture results.
Jaffa lost a
lot of weight but I was able to support care her with bed rest, extra bottles,
fresh browse and loads of extra love. She is still convalescing…. she loves her
bed and rolls into her hanging bag any chance she gets.
Jedda was
the sickest of all. Several times I thought I would lose her. Her sinus became
ulcerated, she could barely breathe. I kept her inside (air con on 24/7) for 5
days. (Rossie joined her for about 3 days and was nebulizer as well) I had her on
the nebulizer 5 times daily, 5 bottles daily, Critical care and critticare in
bottles, nutripet a high energy vitamin concentrate. Picking fresh browse every
day and ensuring access to grain. She went from a healthy 16kg to 12 kg. She
was so weak she could barely walk or stand so I needed to carry her everywhere.
Jedda is now off antibiotics but still on additional bottles, nutrients and
vitamins so she can gain back her strength and weight. I am also still pouching
her at night under a heat lamp. (I shudder at the thought of my next power bill
– I can keep them warm in pure wool pouches and fur lined hanging bags but need
to keep the air they are breathing warm to help heal their lungs)
Coco is
still struggling to breathe and only breathing through her mouth. She currently
has males trying to mate her which doesn’t help. She runs to the house and I
put her in the pen so she can relax. She tires very easily and has also lost a lot
of weight. It was a happy day when she came in for grain to the feed trays.
7 days ago
Millie (approx. 25kg bub in pouch) the one in the video started coughing. She
has a rattly chest, but I am unable to get her take meds. She is doing ok…still
coming in for grain and hasn’t lost a lot of weight (If she gets worse, we will
have to inject her somehow) Also an adult wild male was coughing (Only heard
him the one time)
I have
called vet today and will pick up swabs to use if needed.
Jaffa, Coco, Mia are still coughing but it’s not consistent or very severe.
This report
was done on 24th October, 2022
As of today
27 May 2024 everyone recovered. Jaffa
now has a bub in her pouch and still loves her bottles and still comes into the
pen most nights (she knows where the bottles are) I managed to keep her safe from the boys for
12 months so she was able to gain back all the weight she lost.
baby Miki got very sick, but she was still in Mums pouch, and she recovered
without any intervention. Mia has since
had a bub and another one in her pouch.
Rossie came
home last year with a severe respiratory infection because of a weakened immune
system after the virus. He came home and fell over he was so weak, it happened
so quickly and suddenly. He went back on anti-biotics, was pouched every night
through the winter months, back on bottles, nutripet, and additional
supplements. Jaffa became his
carer. Once he was free to go during the
day, she made sure he came home and into the pen every night.
A HUGE Thank you to:
Peggy for taking the 2 babies (Bandit and Benson) so they wouldn't get
the virus and to give me the time to focus of the sick ones.
Thank you Marg and Claire for your care, guidance, support, advice over
the past weeks.
Thank you Leonie for babysitting duties and support here so I could get
to the chiropractor
Thank you to everyone who checked in and offered emotional support
Thank you Dr Shey Nullakai
Vet Service for your support and providing appropriate meds after diagnosis
Thank you Dr Bronwyn and Katie Mt
Barker Veterinary Hospital WA for your support and care.
Thank you to all who offered financial support and sent money for
Bananas...Think I need shares in banana plantation.
Above all thank you Lord for answered prayers. For the strength to keep
going, for my amazing friends and network of carers and for restoring health to
my precious babies.
Donations can be made to Amaris Wildlife Sanctuary
Rossie on the mend after his respiratory infection |
Millie and Miki (in pouch) both sick |
Jedda finally improving |
On the nebulizer up to 5 x a time |
First Grevillea flower goes to Jedda |