Monday, June 10, 2024

A Heartwarming Story of Rescue and Trust: Marli’s Journey

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, I returned home from a heartfelt visit to my mother. 3 November 2022.  It was as I was preparing dinner,  that a tiny, velvet-furred joey caught my eye, clumsily attempting to nestle into a pouch that wasn’t his. My heart melted at the sight; such innocence and vulnerability were impossible to ignore.

But something was amiss. The pouch belonged to Jake, a male kangaroo, not a nurturing mother. With a sense of urgency, I raced outside, scanning the surroundings for the joey’s mother, but she was nowhere to be found. The night was drawing in, bringing with it the threat of predators and a biting cold that no tiny creature should endure alone. Without hesitation, I scooped the little one into my arms and brought him to safety, tucking him into a warm, makeshift pouch within the sanctuary of my home.

Morning light brought no sign of the missing mother, and my heart sank with the realisation that this was Maisie’s baby, Marli. Maisie, along with her first joey, Maxx, had vanished without a trace. I devised a plan with Claire, my mentor, to reunite mother and child should Maisie return. We would put her in the joey pen, gently sedate her and place Marli back into the comfort of her pouch, hoping for a bond to rekindle.

For two days, I walked miles, my eyes searching every bush and hollow for a sign of Maisie, but she remained elusive. On the third day, the difficult decision was made to take Marli into our care. The likelihood of Maisie accepting him now was slim, and the risk of rejection too great.

Marli found companionship with Bandit and Benson, two other joeys in our care. Raising Marli was a joy unlike any other; he was affectionate, cuddly, and an absolute delight. Even when Bandit suffered a broken tail, Marli and Benson would venture out together, always returning to comfort their injured friend. Marli’s love knew no bounds; he still runs to me, arms outstretched, seeking the warmth of a cuddle. He waits patiently at the pen gate for any leftover milk, his eyes filled with hope and trust.

The mystery of why Maisie left Marli at my back door may never be solved, but I am eternally grateful for the trust she placed in me. Perhaps, in her own way, she knew I would provide the care she could not. Maisie has since welcomed another joey, Marty, into the world and has raised him successfully.

Marli’s story is a testament to the resilience of nature and the unspoken bond between humans and wildlife. It’s a reminder that sometimes, trust is all we have, and in the end, it can make all the difference.

I can’t help but marvel at how much Marli resembles his mum – not just in his soft, grey fur or the distinctive markings that grace his face, but in the very essence of his being, from the tilt of his head, and every thoughtful gaze into the distance,

This blog post is dedicated to all the wildlife carers out there who open their hearts and homes to creatures in need. Your compassion and dedication do not go unnoticed. Together, we can make a difference, one rescue at a time.

If you’re inspired by Marli’s story and wish to support our wildlife rescue efforts, please consider donating or volunteering at your local wildlife sanctuary. Every little bit helps us continue this vital work.

Donations can be made to Amaris Wildlife Sanctuary
BSB 633000 Account 172206732

Marli centre with big brothers Bandit and Benson

Finally found Maisie and Maxx at the end of day 3.  They were both safe and ok

My precious boy

Totally unaware they are Mum and son, this was a special moment for me

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